Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to piano lessons for the 2021-2022 school year. I apologize for not sending out a newsletter for quite a while. The pandemic seemed to turn things upside down, and now it feels like life is smoothing out a bit.

First, we have a ZOOM RECITAL coming up on Saturday, September 18 at 6:00

Here is the link:

https://uncsa.zoom.us/j/95748166329?pwd=VzJ6L3ZmREhPVEZZamdtREpjWit BQT09Meeting

ID: 957 4816 6329 Passcode: 364776

We’ll be having more recitals this school year. I think we’ll probably have three more after this one.

Here are the dates that I will NOT be teaching in the 2021-2022 school year:

September: 6
November: 22 through 27 December: 20 through 31 January: 1 through 3, and 17 February: 21
April: 4-9
May: 30

This year it looks like most of the schools will be out on June 2 or 3. In the past, I would charge by the month from September through June, but this year it only makes sense to do that from September through May. Then from June through August I will only charge for classes you reserve. But, also, the nine month period has made it so the number of lessons do not work out to an average of four per month. Because of that, the monthly fee for 30 minute lessons on Mondays is $185 per student ($370 for 60 minutes) and the monthly fee for 30 minute lessons on any day except Monday is $215 per student.

Please see the policies page for more information.

Thank you again for the opportunity to work with your kids. I know I say this every time, but it’s true: I really do enjoy it more every year.

Best wishes, Ric